The resin parts have a slick surface finish with both raised and engraved details that are crisply molded. All parts are solid, with the exception of the engine bells, which are nicely hollowed out. The pour plugs are still attached and will need to be removed. There are no visible airholes in any of my parts. There are more photoetched parts than are required for the model, always a nice thing to have. The instructions consist of four graphical assembly steps, showing where user supplied 0.3-0.5mm wire or plastic rod need to be added to the model. An underside view details how the nine strap-on boosters are to be arranged. Two four-view paint schemes are included: one for Delta 1914, which launched the Anik 1 satellite, and one for Delta 1913, which launched Explorer 49. Decals are also included for each of these two vehicles. A short program history completes the instructions.