Quick Looks

Manufacturer: New Ware
Name: Apollo CSM PE Set
Scale: 1:96
Kit contents: 24 photoetched parts
Comments: The kit parts are all photo-etched thin brass which are intended to help convert the Revell or Heller Block I Apollo CSM kits to a Block II configuration. The etched detail on the parts is first-rate. The parts are numbered directly on the photoetched sheets and are referenced by those numbers in the instructions. No folding is required for any of the parts in this set. Parts are included for the handholds, hatch, side window frames, and the navigation telescope ports for the Command Module and new radiators and scimitar antennae for the Service Module . The instructions consist of a single page with a scale diagram showing the placement for the parts and their proper color. The instructions don't mention it, but we're all clever enough to know that you have to sand all the detail off of the existing kit parts first...
Order from: New Ware
ing. Tomas Kladiva
Klimkova 5
710 00 Slezska Ostrava
email: tom.nwkits@seznam.cz
web: http://www.mus.cz/~ales/newware/
(as of 12/6/10)
$9.00 plus shipping

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Sven Knudson